Sunday, January 27, 2013
Clinical Education Experience
Each semester of the program includes clinical education experiences that are linked directly to the professional coursework through the Clinical Skills courses. Students are assigned to a different clinical instructor each semester of program enrollment. In accordance with accreditation guidelines, students complete exposures to upper extremity dominant sports, lower extremity dominant sports, equipment intensive sports, team sports, individual sports, and general medical conditions. Over the six semesters of program enrollment students will spend a minimum of two semesters in the on-campus athletic training facilities and a minimum of one semester of clinical experience off-campus at a local high school and physical therapy clinic. The first two semesters are spent in clinical assignments in the on-campus facilities. Clinical education assignments are designed to ensure the student exposure to diverse educational experiences through work with a variety of clinical instructors, patients and allied medical and medical professionals in many different settings. In addition to the 16 clinical sites within the UA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, 10 local high schools, 6 physical therapy/sports medicine clinics, a local community college, the UA Student Recreation Center, a local Division III college, 3 orthopaedic surgeons’ offices and a family practice physician’s office serve as affiliated clinical settings within the ATEP.