Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Angry Kiki, Asodor, Austin, Avalanch, BAMA Football, Bama Lab, Banta, Belly Hair, BOB, Belly Laugh, Belo Horizonte, Ben S., Big Toe Pop, Bike Rides to Subway, Blair Dini, Blair on Drugs, Blind Fat Pat, Blump, BoomBoom, Botool, Brody, Can’t Think of Nothing Else, Acree Shake, Aaronsynal Clothes Off, 31-3, 1st Hunt 1st Deer, Allsports, Andy Griffith, Angel Friday, Cha Cha Slide, Charity Bike, Chief, Choctaw County, Christopher Columbus Shoes, Cindy’s Foot, Cliff Lightning LaRue, Chuck Boats, Coach Garrison, Coach Jimbo Graham, Coach Larry Kashdin, Code Red, Coral, Colts, Peyton Manning, Corn Piles, Country Music, Cowboy, D. Eby, Dede Ellis, Deer Stand Nap, Delta Wheelchair, Devee, Drunk Kelly, Duncan, EC, Edwards Chevy, Eight Three O, Jared, Electric Fence, Fashion Mall, Fickally Bits, Figs and Maple Syrup, Drums, Foreign Language Store Talk, Frank Bill Collector, Freda Casket, Allie, Mtn Woods, GCart Wreck FTL, Gem Clip, Great Big Moose, Green Lantern, Haitian Harry, Honey, Hot Tub Wanda, Hotler, Hunt License Fall Out, I Fell Over, Jake, James Spann Weather, Jay B., Jay J., JEI, Jerry Clower, Jimdog, Joey Bus Fight, Your Johnny, Brusters Diabetas, Jr. Feitosa, Juggalo, Kelvin, Kenny Car, Kenny Krack, Kenny Queens, Kobe, Lead Swann, Lionel, LTodd, Lulu’s FTL, Manheim Steamroller, Marco Island, Marshall SS, Mason, Max Disease, Meritt, Michelle Ritz Atlanta, Milos, Mister, Mondo Blanco, Mowery, My Dad Has some Medicine, N.O. First Flight, Naked Eye Patch Banana Bread, Nascar, Neighbors Are Looking, NO Selma Farm, ODean, On Fire, Pal, Pee Shoot House, Peeaka, Perdido Pals Movie, Pitcher Cornroll, Pixie Stick Ale Hurl, Polo Nose Bleed, Pool Basketball Concussion, Pope Bridge Dive, Prairie Dog, Chad, PS3, Puddin, QM2, Ragan Meghan, Margo, RDGustin, REDS, Richie’s Flounder, Rediculous, reggiw RJeanDavis, Rodgers Jerk, Ross, RDMercer, Sam Ohio, Saube Jacket Football, Sawgrass Middle, SCBC, Schrute, Scott Gas Sniffer, Shrek , Sissy Stick, Sixteen Guatemala BDay, Slush Puppy Pants, Smartie Pants, SoExcito, Solola Guatemala, Sorelegs, Spotta, Steve A Ledge, Stinky Finger Fan, Susan’s Itch, Tailgate Bat Bag, Talladega, Taylor Johnson Baptism, Tell Your Folks, The Stocks, Thres Dedos, Scarey, Tim Dirty Dog, Toni Emily, Tornado’s, Trevor Art Parts, TVille Catcher Brawl, Vizcaya, Dream Land, Water Fountain Bite, Wet Tail, What Day Are You On, White is Faster, Wizard of Claws, Bullen, Woolco, Write a Dog, Yee.

    Spencer – We CHERISH all of our memories and love you so much. Mom, Dad, & Wesley